08:45 Opening ceremony. Khalil Fattouch, Gilbert Habib, Patrizio Lancellotti, Philippe Pibarot, Mani Vannan
08:50 Local host presentation of the venue. Eustachio Agricola
09:00 Challenges in the assessment of valve regurgitation
Chairs: Bernard Cosyns, Giovanni La Canna, Patrizio Lancellotti
09:00 Challenges in the assessment of aortic regurgitation. Eustachio Agricola
09:15 Challenges in the assessment of primary mitral regurgitation. Mani Vannan
09:30 Challenges in the assessment of secondary mitral regurgitation. Philippe Bertrand
09:45 Round table discussion with expert’s panel. Raluca Dulgheru, Theo Pezel
09:55 Flash news: new frontiers in aortic stenosis
Chairs: Gilbert Habib, Philippe Pibarot
09:55 Challenges in the assessment of aortic stenosis with discordant grading. Marie-Annick Clavel
10:12 Moderate aortic stenosis: not so benign? Philippe Pibarot
10:24 Discussion
10:30 Coffee break in the exhibition hall
11:00 Challenges in prosthetic heart valves
Chairs: Eustachio Agricola, Bernard Iung
11:00 High prosthetic gradient: mismatch, pannus or thrombus? Mauro Pepi
11:15 Fever in TAVI patients: when infective endocarditis should be suspected? Gilbert Habib
11:30 Anticoagulation of mechanical prosthesis: never a room for NACOs? Bernard Iung
11:45 Non cardiac interventions in patients with mechanical prosthesis: to bridge or not to bridge? Cécile Oury
12:00 Round table discussion with expert’s panel. Marco Moscarelli, Cécile Oury, Jadranka Separovic Hanzevacki
12:10 Flash news
Chairs: Marie-Annick Clavel, Khalil Fattouch
12:10 Minimally invasive valve surgery in aortic stenosis: Necessary or fad? Vincent Tchana Sato
12:25 Discussion
12:30 Lunch break in the exhibition hall
14:00 Debate: how should we manage “at risk” moderate AS?
Chairs: Philippe Pibarot, Marc Radermecker, Mani Vannan
14:00 Conservative management. Bernard Iung
14:15 Early TAVR. Philippe Pibarot
14:30 Round table discussion with expert’s panel. Mathieu Lempereur, Federica Ilardi, Geu-Ru Hong, Thierry Le Tourneau
14:40 Flash news: new frontiers in aortic stenosis
Chair: Sonia Petronio
14:40 Totally endoscopic aortic valve replacement: the key for the future? Mattia Glauber
14:55 Discussion
15:00 News challenges in infective endocarditis
Chairs: Luigi Badano, Rodolpho Citro, Patrizio Lancellotti
15:00 2023 ESC guidelines summary. Julia Grapsa
15:15 New insights from the EURO-ENDO registry. Gilbert Habib
15:30 A challenging case with PVE. Raluca Elena Dulgheru
15:40 A challenging case with cerebral embolism. Simona Sperlongano
15h50 Round table discussion with expert’s panel. Samuel Bruls, Covadonga Fernández-Golfín, Ciro Santoro
16:00 Coffee break in the exhibition hall
16:30 Challenges in arrhythmic MVP
Chairs: Eustachio Agricola, Alain Berrebi, Maurice Sarano
16:30 A challenging case. Tommaso Viva
16:40 Evaluation and risk assessment. Thierry Le Tourneau
16:55 Management of malignant MVP. Bernard Cosyns
17:10 Perfect MV repair will always be performed by the surgeon hands. Ottavio Alfieri
17:25 Round table discussion with expert’s panel. Raluca Elena Dulgheru, Anna Sannino
17:35 Flash news: management of aortic stenosis
Chairs: Ottavio Alfieri, Geu-Ru Hong, Khalil Fattouch
17:35 Aortic valve diseases and need of re-reading current evidence. The INTEGRITY initiative. Alessandro Parolari
17:55 Discussion